Home Security Access Control CSM HID Location Services and Condition Monitoring, by Bluvision

CSM HID Location Services and Condition Monitoring, by Bluvision


HID Location Services is a real-time, scalable loT ecosystem helping you achieve operational efficiency, a smarter building and an optimal workplace through location services, accurate and visible item management, equipment performance focusing on profit or loss and equipment health, which can predict failure and provide alerts.

HID Location services enabled by Bluvision address workplace optimisation answering a growing market need for accurate, real-time location awareness and analysis of your workplace. The system combines the power of Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and cloud-based technologies to provide a seamless user experience inside and outside of the workspace.

If you need any information, please contact your local CSM sales branch to get more information and we can organise an initial meeting.

Distributor: Consolidated Security Merchants
Contact: 1300 663 904



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