AUSTRALIAN Hydrographic Office is seeking physical enhancements to its access control solution.
The Department of Defence has released a tender on behalf of the Australian Hydrographic Office, seeking a security hardening upgrade to the entry and egress points of the Australian Hydrographic Office building in Wollongong, NSW.
The Australian Hydrographic Service is an element of the RAN, and serves both military and civilian functions. The headquarters of the agency is at the Australian Hydrographic Office in Wollongong, New South Wales. Hydrographic services provided by the AHS include the mapping and surveying of undersea terrain and irregularities on and under the water's surface), the provision of nautical charts and other publications, such as tide tables and notices to mariners.
More than 400 paper charts are produced by the AHS, with conversion of these to electronic navigational chart format due to be completed in 2011. Under international agreements, the Australian charting area spans approximately one-eighth of the world's surface, extending from Cocos Island to the west, the Solomon Islands to the east, the Equator to the north, and Antarctica to the south.
The tender closes on August 11, 2017.♦