Home Articles A100 Million Electronic Security Contract Coming

A100 Million Electronic Security Contract Coming

The original CCTV system with about 5000 cameras was installed in 1999 for about $A50 million and the system was upgraded in 2005 at a cost of $A70 million. Since the original installation CCTV system has grown from the original 5000 cameras to about 9000 cameras making this one of the largest networked surveillance solutions in the world.
If the 2011/2012 CCTV upgrade is carried out according to best practice it will run at more than $A80 million for CCTV alone. This time around, the upgrade is rumoured to include additional electronic security and physical security thought to be valued at more than $10 million.
The tender is being handled by NSW RailCorp’s Control and Communications Systems, Asset Management group, not the Security group as might be expected. 
The NSW Government and RailCorp have very strict financial requirements and the tender is expected to be geared towards large integrators and IT companies. Regardless, this is a huge job that will have a flow on effect for contractors, as well as representing a windfall for the winning consortium.



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