Finding Shorts In Coaxial Cable.
Finding Shorts In Coax – We are having some trouble with a legacy analogue CCTV system the user wants to retain because they value zero latency – could it be a short and how would we find it?
A: Disconnect the coax at each end and use and ohmmeter to test from a connector case to a centre pin. You want to see infinity and if you don’t, there’s a short. Shorts in coax usually take place at BNCs or at right angle bends, so keep an eye out for culprits in the run.
Another coaxial cable test is to clip a test terminal to the cable pin and the case of a connector at one end and then to scamper down to the far end of the cable and test for resistance.
You want to see a reading around zero – anything more means than this means your cable is experiencing resistance from crummy connections or corroded sections of cable.
You can learn more about testing coaxial cable here or read more SEN news here.
“Finding Shorts In Coaxial Cable.”