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From Light To Pixels


VLADO Damjanovski launched the 4th Edition of his famed book – CCTV – From Light to Pixels at Sydney’s Maritime Museum last month.

The author was praised by C.R. Kennedy’s Jim O’Flynn and consultant Les Simmonds for his professionalism and commitment to CCTV and to CCTV standards over many years.

Called the bible of the CCTV industry when first published in 1995, Damjanovski’s CCTV has been translated into multiple languages, including Russian and Iranian. Vlado said he was happy the book was finished and thanked his sons for their support with editing.

CCTV – From Light to Pixels includes all CCTV theories and technologies, from light, optics, imaging chips, cameras, encoders, compressions, networking, transmission, system design to testing.

You can order a copy by visiting https://www.vidilabs.com



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