Home Security Cameras CCTV ICT Enterprise Muster Enhances People Management During COVID Outbreak

ICT Enterprise Muster Enhances People Management During COVID Outbreak

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ICT Enterprise Muster functionality in Protege GX has been enhanced to assist the management of staff during the COVID-19 epidemic.

As close contact tracing is extremely important during a pandemic, this information can be vital to ensuring the right people are notified if a positive COVID-19 case is confirmed on site.  Also, if the number of people on site appears too high, further changes can be made to how the business operates to ensure staff safety.

Enterprise Muster displays a live view of the users on site within specified areas. Utilizing the entry and exit readers associated with a door, the report creates a list of users that are present every 30 seconds. This comes in handy if you are tracking how many people are generally onsite during certain times throughout the day.

Enterprise Muster can also be used in conjunction with specified User Report in Protege GX to display the total user count on site during the day. With this configuration, user access is logged and added to a total count for the day, and when the user leaves the building, the count doesn’t decrease. This enables security managers to quickly view how many people have been on site up to that point and export the user report to view more detailed information.

Balancing the need for detailed reporting and enforced social distancing is a new challenge for most businesses, however, with Protege GX, complying to changing legislation is simple. By calculating acceptable staff levels in each area, Protege GX can be used to restrict access to areas that have reached maximum capacity. Pair this with anti-passback and you can prevent users from passing their credentials back for another user to borrow by tracking the entry and exit area and generating an alarm if a user gains access to an area by tailgating or following another user.

Contact ICT for more information.




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