Home Articles Pelco Getting Into Utp Gear

Pelco Getting Into Utp Gear


PelcoUTP products can be used to connect cameras to DVRs, matrix switchers and multiplexers, as well as to transport video signals from point to point in any application where coax cable could be installed. UTP provides a cost effective solution to coax as well as provides advantages such as ease of use, immunity to noise and is widely available. Pelco UTP products fully complement the PelcoFiber product offering and are immediately compatible with all Pelco products where coax cable can be used. Pelco joins the UTP market with a full line-up of both active and passive products. The active receiver units incorporate an adaptive technology, which automatically adjust the low, medium and high frequency components of the video signal, allowing for the best possible video transmission and eliminating the need for manual adjustment. In addition, a DIP switch on the unit allows users to override the automatic compensation and manually select the cable distance at up to 4,000 feet. The active line consists of products ranging from single channel active transmitter and receiver to multi channel video receivers. These products can modify video signal to compensate for long run lengths and will allow even greater distance than coax, up to 4,000 feet in full motion color/black and white and 750 feet with Coaxitron® Control (Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control) Signals, all while providing needed line conditioning. Pelco also offers a full line of passive models including a single channel balun to a series of multi channel video transceivers. The passive design eliminates the need for external power and provides video signal up to 750 feet. The passive models are compatible with all Pelco Twisted Pair equipped cameras, enclosures, and domes.



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