Home Articles Xtralis VESDA VLQ Aspirated Smoke Detection

Xtralis VESDA VLQ Aspirated Smoke Detection


VESDA VLQ detector is a cost-effective Aspirated Smoke Detection (ASD) solution from Hills that’s suited to compact area applications of up to 100 square metres. 

VLQ detectors use laser-based air sampling technology to reliably detect smoke at the earliest, pre-combustion stage. 

VESDA VLQ adds significant value to the security services offering by providing an early warning alert of the fire risk, provides for the protection of server rooms, switch/computer rooms, substations, signalling rooms and machine rooms running critical processes.  

There are many installation advantages such as out-of-box operation, stand-alone functionality and simplified pipe network, as well as potential insurance premium reductions 
Distributor: Hills PACOM and Hills DAS 
Contact: 1800 685 487



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