H3C deploys HALO Smart Sensors throughout a facility and integrates the solution into Milestone XProtect VMS.
According to H3C Plus’ Rob Waters, the solution provides notifications of health monitoring, indoor air quality monitoring, vape/THC detection, gunshot detection, audible alerting, chemical alerting, VOC alerting and temperature, humidity and pressure alerting.
“Integrating Halo Smart Sensors into the Milestone XProtect VMS provides alerts and useful video and data for the client’s review,” Waters said.
HALO is a surface-mounted device allowing for a quick and easy installation in any location. A new port allows for 2 devices to connect on the same cable run to reduce cabling costs. The unit can be managed by app, as well as being integrated with management systems.
H3C Plus’ Nicholas Churchill congratulated the installation team on a “bespoke integration”.
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