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Bureau For The Bureaus

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PROBABLY the best way to think of the SecureNet service is as a bureau for bureau companies. Just what does this mean? It means bureau installers don’t need access to a physical monitoring station any more. The entire SecureNet application is server-based and runs online with authorized personnel able to monitor alarms or handle administration from anywhere in the world. No matter which way you look at it, the SecureNet solution is a bloody good idea. It leverages the power and flexibility of the Internet to give an unprecedented level of support to customers at 2 levels. These include individual monitored clients and bureau installers, who might have tens, hundreds or even thousands of customers. Essentially a home or business owner can get on a computer in the UK and check their account at home Australia. At the same time a bureau installer can reconfigure a zone or upgrade elements of a customer’s monitoring interface from their home – as well as checking on seriously important things like response times and actions to recent alarm activations. What’s this? Live audit trails of customer accounts online? It’s what every bureau customer has been dreaming about for more than 30 years. According to Infinity’s Andrew Wilson, the original software development for the SecureNet product was born out of frustration with monitoring stations and what he described as the lies that surround the service offered to bureau clients. What Wilson is talking about is the difficulty bureau clients have staying in touch with their customers and ensuring those customers get the level of support bureaus want them to get – not just the generally poor level of support a monitoring station might give all its customers. Most bureau customers get pretty short shrift from monitoring stations. They have limited access to records and bureaus often wind up getting tarred with the same brush in the event of poor monitoring services no matter how much they kick and scream for attention. “This new service is totally different – it’s totally transparent with no doctoring and absolutely no fudging,” explains Wilson. “As far as bureaus and end users are concerned the monitoring interface on their computer is with their own personal monitoring station completely customized to suit them, including logos. “Authorised bureau staff and end users can then access relevant monitoring station data as they need to in a secure and reliable online environment through a standard web browser.” As Wilson explains, SecureNet gives bureau customers account creation and maintenance online at any computer, as well as account status, live audit trail, and billing and payment collections with full interface to MYOB and Quicken accounting packages. The online monitoring solution is also accessible from anywhere on the Internet and enhanced secure bureau access with secure time tokens. That online monitoring capability turns a bureau’s individual monitoring ‘station’ into a virtual control room that can be accessed, administered and monitored anywhere in the world. What is SecureNet? Essentially the SecureNet service is a multilayered monitoring solution that gives bureaus their own virtual monitoring station. The layering structure covers a lot of territory. SecureNet works like this. An alarm generated at a client site is transmitted to the SecureNet receiver and servers across any one or all of PSTN, GSM and TCP/IP technologies. These servers are hosted by a Tier 1 telco. At the same time there are backup PSTN, GSM and TCP/IP connections that run from the client’s alarm panel to SecureNet’s Grade 1 monitoring station. In the event of alarms, SecureNet delivers alarm events to bureau customers and their keyholders using SMS, email and automated operator calls. In the event the system’s automated processes fail to reach the customer, the control room’s operators take over management of the call. Alarm notification can also be provided to guard services. In terms of its physical capabilities, SecureNet has an extensive list of features. For a start the system integrates with all common alarm panels and supports fire, panic, temperature and medical emergency alarms. It can also notify any number of people using a combination of phone, email or SMS alerts. This notification can be configured via time zones, areas, zones and alarm types. There is also support for early-to-open and late-to-close supervision. The system provides automated notification through ‘Sally’ – the automated operator. Online operations are handled through a secure (SSL) web interface that controls all account aspects. It also supports online DVR viewing and video verification. SecureNet can handle asset tracking and management via GPS/GPRS units and there’s also support for attendance verification using the TouchProbe system – brilliant. Far from being a bolt out of the blue, SecureNet has been under development for 3 years. The system was originally designed for the monitoring of residential and commercial alarm panels, and has since been expanded to include video verification, guard attendance verification, nurse call monitoring and asset and personal tracking. Capable, isn’t it? According to Infinity, all functions are integrated through a simple but powerful interface that’s viewed through a standard web browser making the system Internet capable and facilitating easy system installation, expansion and remote access. The interface features live checking of account status, encrypted password and information exchanges (128 bit SSL encryption), full logging of all events and system use, full redundancy, PDF generated reports and most importantly, full customisation of all account details. In the event that you need to be notified of an event, the SecureNet system uses advanced speech technology (Text-To-Speech) to give you the details of the message. This means that the conversation between the system and the customer is not simply a number of pre-recorded sound files being played, as this would not allow customised event notification. As Infinity explains, backing up the automated online function of SecureNet is a 24-hour operational station, manned by trained staff and equipped with sophisticated servers. The system automatically processes the data it receives and acts according to pre-determined instructions. This rapidly accelerates response times. Within seconds the system notifies you or your designated contacts, identifies the area of intrusion and allows you to choose the appropriate response. Operator assistance is also available at anytime during the notification process. Depending on your security requirements we can also integrate video verification, guard attendance verification, asset and personal tracking and nurse call capabilities to your account. “We have implemented an attractive dealer program that has been designed to maximise the revenue generated through monitoring clients,” explains Wilson. “We’ve had plenty of interest in the product from bureaus and from big monitoring companies wanting to provide the same service.” If SecureNet isn’t the biggest revolution to hit the monitoring industry at a management level since its inception, we’d be keen to hear what tops it. nnn


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