Home Security Cameras CCTV CCTV, Intercom, Access Locks For Cleveland Youth Detention Centre

CCTV, Intercom, Access Locks For Cleveland Youth Detention Centre


QBuild North Queensland has gone to tender seeking CCTV, Intercom, Access Locks for the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre.

This is another superfast tender with a short lead time thanks to a site inspection – you’ll need to move fast on if you want to be considered for the work – QBuild is seeking supply and installation of security, intercom, access control and locks for the Townsville Cleveland Youth Detention Centre.

The Cleveland Youth Detention Centre was established in 1980 at Old Common Road, Belgian Gardens, Townsville. It is a government-run facility, housing males aged 10 to 17 years who have been refused bail and remanded in custody, or who have been sentenced by the courts to a period of detention.

This tender closes May 6 but there’s a site inspection April 17 and you need to RSVP today. More details can be found here.




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