Home Security Access Control Central Security Distribution Tweaks NSW Management Structure

Central Security Distribution Tweaks NSW Management Structure


According to CSD’s general manager of sales and distribution, Peter Grimshaw, the company has undertaken a management restructure in NSW, with the announcement of an NSW state sales manager and an NSW operations manager.

“We took a different approach in NSW and decided we would divide the responsibilities given the size of the task – we chose to have a dedicated role for internal operations and a dedicated role for external sales,” said Grimshaw. “We think this division of responsibilities will work well in NSW, which has a different weight of resources than we have in Victoria.

According to Grimshaw, Tony Theissen, formerly of Hills, who has been with CSD for 12 months in a major projects and major accounts role, has been appointed NSW state sales manager.

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Tony Theissen, NSW state sales manager for CSD

“With our proposed growth targets over the next year – we have 8 dedicated sales people on the road in NSW every day – we needed someone to be focused wholly on driving that sales growth side of the business without the distraction of managing stock, repairs, warranties, customer complaints and tenders,” Grimshaw said. "Tony is ideally suited to that role."

Chelsea Rudd, CSD's NSW operations manager

“Meanwhile, Chelsea Rudd has been appointed NSW operations manager,” Grimshaw said. “Chelsea has come from our Northmead branch, she started our HR division and while she still maintains HR, Chelsea is now operations manager for NSW and responsible for back-of-house running of our new Waterloo branch as well as managing Northmead.”

“Chelsea and Tony have proven skills, are highly capable and are wholly committed to the NSW team and we’ll be giving them all our support as they transition successfully into their new roles.” ♦



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