City of Port Phillip Seeks Access Control CCTV Expansion.
City of Port Phillip Seeks Access Control CCTV – City of Port Phillip is seeking expansion and maintenance of its electronic access control and video surveillance systems.
City of Port Phillip is a local government area of Victoria, Australia, on the northern shores of Port Phillip, south of Melbourne’s central business district.
Port Phillip contains varied and substantial retail, entertainment and leisure precincts. These include Bay Street (Port Melbourne), Victoria Avenue (Albert Park), Clarendon Street (South Melbourne), Armstrong Street (Middle Park), Fitzroy Street (St Kilda), Acland Street (St Kilda), Carlisle Street (Balaclava) and Ormond Road (Elwood).
Council reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any tender, or part thereof – tenders received after the closing time or by hardcopy, email or facsimile will not be considered.
This City of Port Phillip Seeks Access Control CCTV tender closes on April 24 – you can learn more here or read more SEN news here.
“City of Port Phillip Seeks Access Control CCTV Expansion.”