Home Security Alarm Systems CyberKey Blue 3 Bluetooth Smart Key from Cyberlock

CyberKey Blue 3 Bluetooth Smart Key from Cyberlock


CyberLock’s new CyberKey Blue 3 was designed with a mobile workforce in mind. This latest Bluetooth-enabled CyberKey is designed for controlling access to isolated sites and sprawling facilities.

Blue 3 enhances system security by supporting temporary access and delayed activation, extending precise access control features to the most remote of locations. With CyberKey Blue 3, users can request access permissions within cellular range, cache the permissions within the CyberAudit Link app, and later activate their key outside of cellular range.

CyberKey Features:

* Contains a unique ID that cannot be changed or duplicated
* Has the ability to store thousands of access events
* Lock ID
* Date & Time
* Event Type
* Carries access schedules for the specific key holder
* Retains encrypted access codes that bind the key to a specific system
* Includes a battery which energizes both the key and each lock it touches.

Cyberlock solutions are distributed locally by EKA CyberLock.


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