Hills Bringing IDIS To SecTech
♦ Hills Bringing IDIS To SecTech Roadshow, including the 5MP DC-D4511WERX 2.8mm turret camera with 25m of IR.
IDIS DC-D4511WERX-2.8MM is a fixed focal camera with fixed 2.8mm lens that is NDAA compliant and supports ONVIF protocol to maintain its compatibility and interoperability with a variety of CCTV systems and VMS solutions, including Milestone.
This day/night NDAA-approved camera has true WDR, is resistant to weather and impact, and has an operating temperature between -30C and 55C.
“Given the flexibility both IDIS models offer, these cameras can be used in a variety of applications such as retail, commercial operations, and even at home for indoor and outdoor applications,” said Ahmad Ali from Hills.
Sectech Roadshow will begin in May and cover 5 Australian capital states over the course of 2 weeks. Don’t miss seeing IDIS DC-D4511WERX-2.8MM and other reliable solutions offered by IDIS by attending this event starting in Perth, May.
Pre-register here and we’ll see you there!
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