Home Security Access Control Inner Range Inception Panel Gets A Lift Face

Inner Range Inception Panel Gets A Lift Face


INNER Range Inception, which is arguably the biggest thing to hit the local alarm and access control market in decades, has been enhanced to support lifts.

“We listened to the market and have now incorporated low-level lift integration to the new Inception panel,” said Mark Edwards, general manager of products & marketing at CSD.
“The low level integration involves wiring outputs in the Inception system to lift buttons in a lift car to allowing individual buttons to be enabled or disabled by Inception,” he explained. “Users are able to present their card at a reader located in the lift car and based on their permissions, floor selection buttons can be enabled. 

“In addition, the lift buttons can also be wired into inputs in the Inception system, allowing Inception to know which button a user pressed. Buttons in lift cars can be configured to enable automatically on a schedule, allowing free access to floors at certain times of the day. This behaviour can also be manually overridden by the end user, letting them set floors to free access, secured or locked out if they have the correct permissions.”
According to Edwards, the lift integration can also be used to provide other security related functions, such as locker control, car garages or storage units. This could allow a single reader to unlock one or more lockers or a specific roller door based on which user presented their card.
“The Inception panel is priced so competitively in the market and by adding lift control with button feedback Inception is the most feature packed, cost effective lift control solution available today,” Edwards said.♦




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