Home Security Alarm Systems Nicky Finn To Explain PSPF Certification At SAGE

Nicky Finn To Explain PSPF Certification At SAGE


Nicky Finn, agency security adviser, National Indigenous Australians Agency, who will speak on “The role of Agency Security Advisers, Accrediting and Certifying Authorities” at 3pm at SAGE 2020.

Nicky’s presentation will set out the roles and responsibilities involved in gaining certification and accreditation for Australian Government compliant secure zones, as set out in the Protective Security Policy Framework, related guidance and standards.

The PSPF provides policy, guidance and better practice advice for governance, personnel, physical and information security. The 36 mandatory requirements assist Australian Government agency heads to identify their responsibilities to manage security risks to their people, information and assets.

Non-corporate Commonwealth entities are required to apply the PSPF as it relates to their risk environment. It is best practice to do this through a security risk management approach, with a focus on fostering a positive culture of security within the entity and across the Australian Government. Don’t miss Nicky’s address, 3pm, SAGE 2020, Thursday November 12!

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