Home Tenders Port Of Kimberley CCTV

Port Of Kimberley CCTV

Port Of Kimberley CCTV - Kimberley Ports Authority is seeking CCTV for Port of Broome. While the tender release is not specific, it’s possible this tender includes other elements of electronic security, including alarms, access control and management solutions.

Port Of Kimberley CCTV Tender Released.

Port Of Kimberley CCTV Tender Released.

Kimberley Ports Authority is seeking CCTV for Port of Broome. While the tender release is not specific, it’s possible this tender includes other elements of electronic security, including alarms, access control and management solutions.

According to the release, Kimberley Ports Authority is seeking proposals from suitably qualified and experienced contractors who can provide maintenance services to KPA for Port of Broome.

The types of services KPA seeks include CCTV, security, fibre IT/data and electrical works, among others. KPA points out that only Broome-based contractors will be considered as part of this process.

This tender closes on October 11 – you can find out more or apply here, or read more SEN news here.

“Port Of Kimberley CCTV Tender Released.”



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