Qualcomm Smart Camera For IoT
♦ Qualcomm smart camera for IoT has just been released and delivers AI at the edge, machine learning, and analytics.
Qualcomm is an American corporation with a $US9B annual turnover headquartered in San Diego that creates semiconductors, software, and services for wireless. Its push into cameras for IoT is noteworthy, highlighting growing interest in IoT CCTV from serious players.
“With the digital transformation of industries there has been a heightened focus and need for the growing number of smart devices at the connected intelligent edge,” said Siddhartha Franco of Qualcomm Technologies.
“Today’s cameras require superior connectivity and interoperability, powerful edge computing and AI capabilities in addition to protections for security and privacy — all of which Qualcomm Technologies is uniquely suited to provide.
“Qualcomm Technologies’ expansive portfolio of smart camera solutions make it easier for businesses and entities looking to deploy smart cameras to support a variety of use cases across industries from creating safer communities to informing better business decisions.”
This new QCS7230 solution is said to meet wider needs for smart cameras across industries in addition to supporting expanded end-to-end solutions for smart cameras through the IoT as a Service (IoTaaS) model. This will support customers that plan to transition from traditional video management software (VMS) models to end-to-end service-based capabilities with IoTaaS.
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