Home Security Alarm Systems SecTech Roadshow 2021 – Australia’s Largest Dedicated Security Event Returns!

SecTech Roadshow 2021 – Australia’s Largest Dedicated Security Event Returns!


After successfully running SAGE, the only security expo of 2020, organisers are delighted to present SecTech Roadshow in May 2021 – Australia’s only dedicated security event, now in its 6th year.

Although SecTech Roadshow draws more than 2000 visitors, it’s a compact, pop-up event that’s held in large venues in the 5 Australian state capitals – this means there’s considerable scope to meet evolving COVID-19 requirements should this be required, while taking advantage of the fact ANZ’s control of the pandemic continues to strengthen.

The connection between trusted security suppliers, security integrators, security consultants, security managers and trusted security technologies is at the core of the electronic security business. More than ever, the security industry needs technologies that enhance user safety, increase operational efficiency, deliver more functionality and offer greater capability in layers – from the sensor, the camera and the door, to the app and the enterprise management solution.

Something SAGE showed was that this flow of technology has not stopped – while the industry held its breath in the first half of 2020, the second half of the year has seen a stream of new and enhanced solutions pour through. These solutions offer low touch access control, proximity detection, contact tracing, and video analytics, as well as simplification of operations, local and enterprise site management, as well as remote management.

At the same time, expanding investment in networks, including the introduction of 5G, is changing the way smart businesses and smart homes are secured, monitored and managed – installers and integrators need to be across the latest developments, including enhanced cyber security and secure cloud, which is more than ever becoming the heart of remote networking for smaller applications.

If there was a key takeaway from SAGE last week, it’s that people need to see each other. There’s an enormous hunger for contact with security colleagues and with security technology that was palpable at SAGE – in 6 months that hunger for connection will be stronger still.

As the Australian security industry moves towards 2021 after a challenging 2020, now is not the time to withdraw from a market driven so intensely by trusted personal relationships but to implement a way in which that vital contact can be undertaken in safety. We’ll be taking the lessons we learned at SAGE on tour with SecTech Roadshow in May 2021 – we’d love to have you join us.

Call Monique Keatinge on 61 9280 4425 or email monique@bridgepublishing.com.au to register your interest – click here for more information!

#securityelectronicsandnetworks.com #sectechroadshow.com.au #SecTech2021



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