Smart Biometric Passports Under Fire
The American Civil Liberties union has raised alarms and even an executive at one of the companies developing a...
Indala Merges With Uk Smart Card Manufacturer
MR Access will be renamed Indala Limited, and its office in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Cardiff...
Ge Gets Into The Open Security Exchange
The OSE’s focus is to facilitate optimal security and operational efficiencies while respecting organization-specific operational requirements.<?xml:namespace prefix =...
Iridian And Lg War Over Iris Scan License
According to a report in SSN, officials from the companies declined to comment on the nature of the dispute,...
Biometrics Looms Say Researchers
Three technologies in particular - fingerprint scanning, iris scanning and face recognition - have benefited most from homeland security...
Prox-Based Smart Passports For U.S.
The State Department hopes the addition of the chips, which employ radio frequency identification, or RFID, technology, will make...
Biometric Solutions Broaden Appeal
The series of case histories – most of which have not previously been heard in the UK – delegates...
Hid Positions For Physical And Network Access
Market drivers behind the new initiative are the emerging trend toward the convergence of physical and logical access control...
Canadian Air And Transport Industry Goes Biometric
The cards are being tested in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Vancouver and Kelowna airports with Montreal's...
Rfid Multi-Biometric Reader
The HF Dual ISO Reader is available in three versions: an OEM module for customers who mainly want to...
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