Home Security Cameras CCTV Senstar Smart Perimeter & Lighting Solution From BGWT

Senstar Smart Perimeter & Lighting Solution From BGWT


BGW Technologies has launched Senstar LM100, a hybrid perimeter intrusion detection and intelligent lighting system.

The Senstar LM100 acts as a powerful deterrent against intruders, detecting and illuminating them at the fence line while alerting a security management system. The system can sense vibrations caused by attempts to cut, climb or break through the fence, and it uses a wireless self-healing mesh communication network technology to relay intrusion information.

The system also provides configurable, localized, uniform lighting, enabling security cameras to operate with a higher dynamic range. Typical users include utilities, ports, transportation and warehousing, public transport operators and council depots.

Distributor: BGW Technologies
Contact: 61 2 9674 4255




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