Home Security Alarm Systems Transport for NSW Seeks Port Botany CCTV

Transport for NSW Seeks Port Botany CCTV


Transport For NSW is seeking key infrastructure as part of an upgrade to the video surveillance solution supporting Australia’s largest container port, which has a capacity of 7 million TEU, at Port Botany in Sydney.

Port Botany is a key piece of infrastructure that lies at the heart of Sydney’s business operations – the facility supports 25,000 jobs and includes on-dock freight rail at every container terminal, as well as incorporating direct fuel lines to Sydney Airport. The site has recently undergone an $A1 Billion upgrade to wharf and terminal facilities, as well as a $120 million upgrade to its integrated rail network.

The Port Botany CCTV install works will consist of 2 separable portions:

Separable Portion 1: CCTV Civil and Structural Works will involve the installation of foundations and support structures for CCTV camera masts in the road reserve in the suburbs of Port Botany, Banksmeadow, and Pagewood.

Separable Portion 2: Underbore and Cabling Works are the permanent works for provision of underground cable pathways and installation of fibre to new CCTV cameras in the Port Botany area and along the Port Botany Rail line.

Without any obligation to do so, where the integrity of the tender process is not compromised, TfNSW may determine (in its absolute discretion) that it is appropriate to consider a late tender submission.

All applicants must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework (NSW Framework), NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct (NSW Code) and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement (NSW Guidelines).

This tender closes on October 28 – you can find out more here.


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