ASIAL Calls For Ethical Facial Recognition Submissions.
ASIAL Calls For Ethical Facial Recognition – ASIAL has prepared a draft guidance document for the ethical use of automated facial recognition technologies, to ensure the technology is not allowed to act autonomously without human oversight, or used in any way which causes harm to individuals.
Automated facial recognition (AFR) is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces. AFR has been designed to improve the safety and wellbeing of people, as well as providing a tool to assist and speed up operational processes, typically being used to authenticate users through ID verification services. It works by pinpointing and measuring facial features from a given image.
AFR is one of many data analysis technologies which sit under the overarching umbrella of artificial intelligence. The ethics of AI and its application need to be regularly reviewed to ensure that it is not allowed to act autonomously without human oversight, and it should not be used in any way which causes harm to individuals.
ASIAL Calls For Ethical Facial Recognition Submissions
To provide guidance for the ethical use of AFR technologies, ASIAL has drafted a guidance document and is seeking comment from interested parties on the draft guiding principles for its ethical use of AFR document.
Submissions must be in writing and should be sent electronically to or by mail to PO Box 1338, Crows Nest, NSW1585 by 30 September 2023.
Submissions should include:
- Your name, organisation, position and contact details
- Comment on the issues outlined in the draft (please highlight the relevant section your comment relates to)
- Clearly identify any information in the submission that you may wish ASIAL to keep confidential.
ASIAL acknowledged the work of the British Security Industry Association whose guidance document on the use of AFR (Automated Facial Recognition – A guide to ethical and legal use, British Security Industry Association, 2021) contributed substantially to preparation of its document.
You can view the draft document and see information on how to make a submission here or read more SEN news here.
“ASIAL Calls For Ethical Facial Recognition Submissions.”