Border Camera Surveillance
♦ Border Camera Surveillance – NSW Department of Primary Industries seeks a border camera surveillance system, including hardware, software, installation, support and maintenance.
The cattle tick (Rhipecephalus Boophilus] microplus or australis) is the most serious external parasite of cattle in Australia, estimated by Meat and Livestock Australia to cost the industry over $A160 million annually. Cattle tick can transmit tick fever and, if uncontrolled, can cause serious losses to the beef and dairy industries. In NSW, stockowners and the NSW government work together to control and eradicate cattle tick if it is detected anywhere in NSW.
In order to maintain the deterrent to unauthorised animal movements, surveillance of all vehicle movements, using automated camera surveillance systems, has proven to be the most effective and cost-efficient method of achieving positive outcomes.
The current BorderCam electronic camera surveillance system is installed at 8 Queensland border crossings points. It identifies vehicles carrying livestock such as cattle trucks and horse floats and represents a major deterrent to the unapproved movement of animals.
The system was installed in 2008 is now end of life and the DPI now seeks to replace it in order to reduce ongoing maintenance and adjudication costs by introducing contemporary cost-efficient and improved performance technologies.
A critical consideration for this project will be based on credible hardware, software, installation, support, and maintenance solution presented as part of the response.
This tender closes September 9 – you can find out more here.
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