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HomeNew ProductsBosch Flexidome 5100i Cameras

Bosch Flexidome 5100i Cameras

Bosch Flexidome 5100i Cameras

♦ New Bosch FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras combine 360-degree overviews with actionable insights for wide-area coverage applications.

FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i camera range includes indoor and outdoor IR models offering 6 or 12MP resolutions with a stereographic fish-eye lens.

A built-in microphone array with 3 digital microphones prepares the cameras for future audio analytics, enabling operators to gain a complete overview of their monitoring areas and become more proactive in identifying and responding to threats.

These 5100i panoramic cameras combine built-in AI with the Internet of Things (IoT), offering the ability to convert video data into valuable insights easily. Remote Portal fully supports these AIoT video cameras, enabling system integrators to remotely perform services for customers such as changing configuration settings and installing firmware updates.

The new panoramic cameras feature Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA), a form of AI, and Camera Trainer based on machine learning to support predictive solutions in a variety of commercial environments.

In retail applications, the compact size and low profile of the panoramic cameras can deliver insights that help recognize suspicious behavior and track a person through an entire aisle or from the cashier to the store exit. In shopping malls, a single panoramic camera can monitor two opposite storefronts in high resolution. In schools and universities, panoramic cameras can give a complete overview and identify unusual situations in hallways, corridors, cafeterias, and other areas.

As the first Bosch cameras to feature audio analytics based on deep neural networks, the FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras contain a built-in microphone array with three digital microphones to capture audio from any direction. This capability prepares the cameras for future audio AI, enabling them to give meaning to the sounds they hear and trigger relevant alerts concerning the approximate location where the sound originated.

The camera’s AI-based software which will become available with a future firmware release is trained to detect the unique audio signatures of gunshots and glass breaking while ignoring false positives, like slamming car doors or banging carts. Audio AI enables security personnel to respond quickly and appropriately while protecting privacy since no audio information is recorded or leaves the camera.

At the same time an audio alarm occurs, a trigger to a nearby moving camera prompts it to focus near the sound and automatically track any moving objects in the scene. Thanks to data from audio and video sensors in the FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras, Bosch takes AI further by converting data into actionable insights that help users anticipate unforeseen events and prevent them from happening.

Other features include Intelligent Auto Exposure, easy installation including a rotatable imager, and built-in Secure Element (4096-bit RSA) hardware with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality, safely storing all certificates and cryptographic keys needed for authentication and encryption, as well as Secure Identity Object (SIO).

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