Buying Access Control Solutions – Before buying an access control solution, carry out a security survey that establishes the number and type of devices that are required, including locking devices, reporting devices, and reader technologies.
Buying Access Control Solutions
This will be a complex process that is likely best undertaken by a capable security consultant. Key elements will be decisions about the LAN, the location of nodes, the inclusion of visitor management, inception security, carparks and elevators, the type of readers and credentials, systems access control as well as the importing or construction of the database.
The management solution is likely to be one of the most important elements of the system. You want that to be flexible and functional, with plenty of capacity for integration based on solid third-party partnerships.

Carefully consider a sales agreement or contract before the system has been installed, paying particular attention to points of protection, service arrangements and fees, and an inventory of equipment to be installed, as well as the function that equipment will perform.
Another critical issue is to ensure that all staff who use the security system are trained effectively in its use. Be sure system training forms part of the sale agreement – this may extend from operators to users, if there are NFC-type credentials being used with the system.
What is an access control system?
Access control systems are electronic systems that assist the automated approval for authorised personnel to enter through a security door without requiring an officer to validate and authorise the person entering, typically by using a credential (key card or code) to present to the system to verify their authorisation.