DC Datacoms Wins Kimberley School Security Upgrade.
DC Datacoms Wins Kimberley School – Broome-based DC Datacoms has won an $A440,000 contract to upgrade security equipment at Fitzroy Valley High School in the Kimberley in Western Australia. DC Datacoms has also won a concurrent $316,650 IT contract related to the same tender.
Fitzroy Valley District High School is a co-education combined school, serving years K-12 located in WA, Kimberley region of Fitzroy Crossing. Fitzroy Valley District High School is one of 25 government schools in the Fitzroy Crossing area.
DC Datacomms installs and maintains data networks and security systems in homes, businesses, educational institutions and government departments, throughout the Kimberley and Pilbara Regions.
You can find out more about DC Datacomms here or read more SEN news here.
“DC Datacomms Wins Kimberley School Security Upgrade.”