Tasmania’s Department For Education Children And Young People Seeks Enterprise CCTV System.
Department for Education Children and Young People Seeks CCTV – Tasmania’s Department for Education, Children and Young People has gone to tender seeking an enterprise CCTV system.
The Department for Education, Children and Young People is a government department within the Government of Tasmania with responsibility for Government schools, child and family learning centres, child safety and out of home care, youth justice services, libraries and the Tasmanian archives.
The headquarters of the State Library of Tasmania is located in Hobart. The State Library administers and funds all public libraries in Tasmania. There are 7 city/suburban lending libraries and 39 smaller branch libraries located throughout Tasmania. The State Library also maintains the heritage and reference collections.

This Department for Education, Children and Young People Seeks CCTV tender has a contract period from September 1 2024 to August 31 2026, with a period of option to extend from September 1 2026 to August 31, 2029.
Department for Education Children and Young People Seeks CCTV
Integrators should note that applications must be lodged by electronic submission at www.tenders.tas.gov.au and enquiries should be directed to 61 3 6232 7513 or daniel.sproule@decyp.tas.gov.au
This tender closes at 2pm on May 22 – an industry pre-tender briefing session about this RFT and the procurement will be held via Microsoft Teams on 3 May 2024 at 10am AEST.
Persons who wish to attend the briefing session must pre-register with the contact officer on or before 2 May 2024 at 12pm, who will provide a Microsoft Teams link to access the session.
You can learn more about this Department for Education, Children and Young People Seeks CCTV tender here or read more SEN news here.
“Tasmania’s Department For Education, Children And Young People Seeks Enterprise CCTV System.”