IN the third quarter of the current fiscal year 2012/13, the Mobotix Group achieved 15.1 per cent growth in revenue year on year to €22.2 million. At €4.8 million, the EBIT margin was nearly 21 per cent.
In the first nine months of the current fiscal year, revenue rose to a total of €63.7 million (+6.6 per cent) and EBIT was €12.3 million. In the same period, the Group’s EBIT margin was 18.9 per cent.
The profit after tax was €8.4 million and the earnings per share €0.64. The export ratio in the first nine months was 75.7 per cent.
Key performance indicators for the third quarter April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013)
Revenue: €22.2 million
Export ratio: 75.9 per cent
EBIT: €4.8 million
EBIT margin (As percentage of total operating output): 20.7 per cent
Profit for the period (after taxes): €3.3 million
Earnings per share €0.25.