Home Security Cameras CCTV Russia To Spend Us5.4 Billion On Security

Russia To Spend Us5.4 Billion On Security


Announcing the funding. Finance minister Alexi Kudrin said “The fight against terrorism requires a long-range perspective”. According to reports from the TASS news agency in Moscow, Russia’s main security agencies – the Federal Security Service, Interior Ministry, border guards service and Foreign Intelligence Service – will split an additional $US1.71 billion in funding.

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The Defense Ministry will receive an additional $US3.66 billion, Kudrin said. All up $US13.6 billion has been earmarked for national security and law enforcement in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Russia in 2005 – that’s a 20 per cent increase. Around $US68.5 million had already been tagged in next year’s budget for a new anti-terrorism program to increase security in public places, including Moscow’s subway.

Meanwhile President Putin has said a powerful central anti-terrorism agency similar to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security must be created in Russia. 



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