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HomeSecurityAlarm SystemsSecurity Industry Association Rejects Call For Ending Face Recognition, Issues Policy Principles

Security Industry Association Rejects Call For Ending Face Recognition, Issues Policy Principles

The United States-based Security Industry Association (SIA) has rejected calls for ending the use of face recognition technology by law enforcement agencies and has released new policy principles guiding the development and deployment of facial recognition solutions.

According to the SIA, all technology products, including biometric identification, must only be used for purposes that are lawful, ethical and non-discriminatory.

“SIA recognizes that some community leaders have expressed deeply-held views calling for the end of facial recognition technology use by law enforcement and the private sector,” SIA CEO Don Erickson said.

“We respectfully but firmly disagree. Facial recognition technology offers tremendous benefits to society when used effectively and responsibly and with appropriate safeguards.

“We invite all stakeholders to review these well-thought-out principles and engage with us in meaningful discussions leading to common-sense approaches to how this technology is used.”

SIA said the principles to be used in the development and deployment of face recognition technology and argued these principles should apply to implementation of face recognition tools across safety and security applications, in both public- and private-sector settings, and should be reflected in development of any organizational or public policies addressing these uses of the technology.

The SIA’s core facial recognition principles include:

* Ensuring transparency surrounding the use of facial recognition
* Establishing a clear and defined purpose for the use of facial recognition by organizations
* Using high-performing and accurate technology
* Incorporating human oversight and review
* Protecting data security
* Ensuring privacy by design
* Training and educating users of technology
* Improving or eliminating biased or discriminatory software
* Maintaining ethical acquisition of facial recognition technology.

These core policy principles were developed by and with input from many SIA members, including members of the SIA Facial Recognition Working Group, the SIA Data Privacy Advisory Board and the SIA Executive Committee. In addition to the core principles, the new document includes guidelines around the use of face recognition technology by law enforcement and the public and private sectors.


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