Home Articles Snocone Launches Video Monitoring By Phone

Snocone Launches Video Monitoring By Phone


Mobile monitoring is the next generation remote security application which enables users to receive real time video surveillance via cellular phones. The service features the ability to zoom in on specific areas of the images, being delivered for close up examination of objects or people, being captured on camera. It also supports the control of multiple cameras.

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The technology is the first of its kind allowing users to monitor CCTV, webcams and remote surveillance cameras from their mobile phone through Openwave’s widely used WAP 2.0 browser, enabling the application to function on a broad number of handsets worldwide without the need for client side software downloads.

Through research and relationships, Snocone has recognized the enormous need for handheld surveillance devices in Homeland and Personal Security. These applications will be made available to government agencies, police departments and the general public.

The advantages of these applications include: low cost, ease of use, multiple remote camera controls and minimal reconfiguration of existing cameras, availability on most current mobile phones.

A complete live demo and power point presentation was made available at https://www.snoconesystems.com on Friday October 01, 2004.

Vivian Kane, Snocone’s President, stated: “We are very pleased to launch our new mobile monitoring service, recognizing the growing need for affordable mobile surveillance and monitoring technologies worldwide. As the wireless market continues to grow, we will continue to expand our products and applications to meet this demand.”



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