When you’re searching for a short consider that damage to cable is most likely to have occured wherever there’s highest resistance in the circuit.
In order to find the short circuit, take off the load component of the circuit and test it looking for a zero or close to zero ohms reading across its terminals. If you get such a reading it means the short is in the load but if there’s a normal reading, then the short is in the circuit itself.
Leave the load out of the circuit and replace it with your DMM with power and battery disconnected. With power disconnected you are looking for a reading of zero ohms and anything more indicates a short in the circuit.
It’s not too hard to pinpoint a short in a circuit by exploiting a switch or break in circuit. If a break in the circuit has no impact on the meter reading, then the short exists on the meter side. If the meter reading goes to O.L when the circuit is opened, then the short is on the far side of the opening.
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