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HomeNew ProductsAlarm.com Enterprise Dashboards

Alarm.com Enterprise Dashboards

Alarm.com Enterprise Dashboards are range of new commercial service capabilities designed to support multilocation commercial subscribers.

Driven through the Alarm.com mobile app, Enterprise Dashboards gives unified interface for viewing the status of devices and systems across multiple properties, while delivering automatic arming, remote user code control and dual path communications.

It includes a security-based console that displays access control and security systems, a video dashboard for easily accessing cameras and stream video recorders, and energy dashboards for monitoring property temperature, smart thermostat set points and the temperature of refrigeration units.

Enterprise Dashboard gives you at-a-glance management of system status, video feeds, employee access, and temperature monitoring across all of your business locations. This includes a single, intuitive interface for real-time management of intrusion, energy, door access, and video systems across multiple business locations.

Instead of managing locations separately, Alarm.com lets you organize them into a top-down hierarchy of groups. Global management of user codes, access permissions, and system settings saves time and increases consistency. System managers can handle user codes and access permissions across groups, in bulk, to save time and increase consistency across all locations.

The interface gives control of your alarm arming state, door locks and schedules, thermostat set points and automation functions for all locations. Real- time alerts and custom activity reports provide a new level of remote awareness to help managers stay on top of operations and make informed business decisions.

It’s also possible to view live and recorded video from cameras across multiple locations from anywhere, and to remotely export incident footage for sharing and easily view video system health and retention metrics. Intelligent perimeter detection analytics can be applied remotely.

When it comes to investigations, reporting and awareness, managers can query and filter up to 1 year of activity history in real time across all locations or selected groups of locations. Schedule reports to be automatically generated and sent to managers, including summaries of key information such as open/close times, access history, or walk-in freezer temperatures.

The system incorporates patented technology with automatic software updates, end-to-end encryption, and 2-factor authentication to offer high levels of security across networks.

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