Chubb will also be providing and supporting intruder detection technology at ASDA’s 160 petrol filling stations, and alarms and keyholder response at 60 of ASDA’s retail sites with remote ATMs. ASDA is the UK’s second largest retail chain. ASDA Group Limited became part of Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, in 1999. The award of the new contract follows a major review of ASDA’s security needs that have changed significantly since the two organisations began working together seven years ago. The solution, which involved the full commitment and support from senior Chubb executives, includes a number of customer service initiatives including monthly perception surveys across all installs, maintenance and monitoring programmes to provide a regular ‘temperature check’ on how the business is performing. Sean Bowen, ASDA Loss Prevention Systems Manager explains: “Although Chubb and ASDA have had a seven year relationship, our current needs, along with our projected future needs, require a new partnership that reflects our desire to do things differently. “Our expectations of customer service as demonstrated by the support our stores and colleagues receive are significantly higher today than seven years ago, so our desire is to work with those companies who do not simply match what has been delivered previously, but rather to exceed our expectations, always.” “We have a number of clearly defined and agreed Key Performance Indicators,” Sean continues, “which will be closely monitored through regular partnership reviews. Before arriving at these KPIs with Chubb, we repeatedly challenged senior Chubb management to ensure that our needs were both realistic and deliverable, since they reflect our desire to build a genuinely long-term relationship. The primary reason for reviewing the contract was to raise service levels over the long term so it was vital that we could see a clear route by which this could be achieved. “Chubb were able to give us the re-assurances we needed, and in formulating a new approach to supporting our business, have also been able to realise significant cost savings which is always welcome. At ASDA security is a core component of our Loss Prevention business plan,” Sean said, “and it’s reflected in our motto – ASDA, safe place to work, safe place to shop.” “It’s a win-win situation for all,” added Peter Reynolds, Chubb Electronic Security General Manager, National Accounts. “ASDA customers feel comfortable shopping at ASDA stores, operational management is comfortable knowing that employees, customers, and facilities are as secure as they can be, while corporate management realises enhanced security service at a reduced cost.”
Chubb Electronic Security Wins Big Uk Retail Contract
Chubb Electronic Security Wins Big Uk Retail Contract

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