WE’VE seen workstation hardware in the magazine before but SIG2011 was the first time I’ve seen Geutebruck’s Pilot operator unit, which combines Pilot/Center, Pilot/Joy and Pilot/Jog. All have a polycarbonate surface to resist scratching and can be used separately or combined with each other to maximize flexibility and user convenience.
The innovative design of the USB connection and power supply provides additional redundancy and operating security when operating and managing digital video matrix components like the GeViScope, re_porter or GeViStore systems. The Windows 7 operating system combined with a 7” TFT touch screen display and a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels provide optimum control and ease of use.
All keys can be back-lit in color to indicate different operational scenarios and you can control the system intuitively with the benefit of an ideal overview. You can extract relevant picture footage using the Pilot/Jog and back it up onto your desired storage medium via the Pilot/Center’s USB port.
Linked by the network and alarm interface, the Pilot/Center is seamlessly integrated into existing Geutebruck video security management systems, and together with the Pilot/Joy joystick unit it constitutes the ideal interactive control unit for easy and effective video monitoring of complex operations.
Ergonomics in the design of products is essential. The use of pan, tilt and zoom functions of a camera with 3D joysticks has proven itself to be the best solution over many years. As an editing tool for archive images, as in a multimedia environment, the jog/shuttle has proven itself. So that both right-handed and left-handed operators can work ergonomically, free arrangement of components such as joystick, jog/shuttle, control monitor, etc. is especially important.
The keyboards of CCTV control units have in recent years undergone an evolution similar to computer keyboards – from stiff key blocks to keypads with minimal stroke and a defined pressure point. The general trend, as in other technology areas, however, is to touch-sensitive and touch user interfaces. Especially with the time-critical operation of video surveillance systems, it is of paramount importance that the user will be supported by intelligent features that cannot be offered by a conventional keyboard.
With Geutebruck Touch the possibilities are extensive. Buttons can be displayed, depending on function, automatically or by the user, hidden or arranged in a new configuration. Active and inactive switching functions, such as infrared light, are labeled in color. Sliders and other new setting options facilitate setup, without key-specific restrictions, such as the need for camera numbers to always have X number of digits.
Through programming functions for intelligent layout or command summaries, operation is designed to be simpler and more interactive, with help functions and intelligently restricted options, thus avoiding incorrect operation.
By using a modern touch control device, the operation of a CCTV system can be adapted to complex industry-specific workflows, to the needs of an individual company or to the requirements of a specific application. The control unit can even display the different permissions, languages or work processes of the changing users in a control room.
With the modular pilot control unit, Geutebrück has met all of the aforementioned requirements for perfect ergonomics. With pilot/center, including touch-sensitive keypad and touch screen, pilot/joy and pilot/jog, every user can work productively and pleasantly using a custom control unit. You’ll get a chance to see Pilot in the flesh at Security 2011 in Sydney.
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