Less Than Lethal Use Of Force Sought By NSW Prisons.
Less Lethal Use Of Force – Corrective Services New South Wales (CSNSW) is investigating alternative use of force applications in its correctional environments and external operations.
Corrective Services New South Wales (CSNSW) is seeking advice about less lethal and less-than-lethal options which may be available to provide increased safety and security options, personal protection in the effective management of non-compliant inmates in custody, and furthermore the prevention of inmate escape while in transit in the community.
DCJNSW is undertaking this research into less lethal use of force to enhance its understanding of technologies available in the market to provide additional use of force options for the agency and its divisions, including Corrective Services NSW.
This RFI can only be accessed and responded via the department’s end to end procurement system, Procurement Central. Any submission lodged outside of Procurement Central will not be considered.

Less Lethal Use Of Force
This RFI for information about less lethal use of force can only be accessed and responded via the department’s end to end procurement system, Procurement Central. Any submission lodged outside of Procurement Central will not be considered.
If you require assistance with registering on Procurement Central, you may contact the customer support if you are in Australia on 02 8074 8627.
Corrective Services New South Wales (CSNSW) is responsible for the state’s prisons and a range of programs for managing offenders in the community. The state has 36 prisons, 33 run by CSNSW and 3 privately operated. CSNSW has 11,500 staff and an annual budget of $A2.2 billion.
This tender closes on February – you can find out more here, or see more news from SEN here.
“CSNSW Seeks Less Lethal Use Of Force”