See CriticalArc SafeZone At SAGE
See CriticalArc SafeZone At SAGE – Don’t miss your chance to see the latest version of CriticalArc’s SafeZone real time location and status solution at SAGE in Canberra November 17 (pre-register here).
SafeZone helps you keep all your employees safe with one unified system, allowing security and risk management staff to protect staff wherever an organisation has duty of care: on site, in the field, and travelling between sites.
SafeZone OmniGuard provides each responder and the command centre with a real-time situational view of all responders and their availability. Meanwhile, the SafeZone app enables people to raise an alert that immediately conveys their location to the SafeZone Command and all responders, indicating identity and GPS location, cutting response times in half.
When SafeZone Command receives an alarm, it sends notification of the incident and its location to all available safety and security resources. Individuals receive alerts via their mobile phone with instructions such as “Evacuate”.
Command centerrend all responders immediately see the function, location and availability of each safety/security officer as well as fire marshals, building wardens, etc, enabling real time awareness of available resources.
SafeZone enables a team to understand who and where these staff are located so it can better protect them and reduce an organization’s risk. SafeZone can trigger proactive alarms to ensure an employee is still safe due to high risk – the employee cancels the alarm or security team is prompted to investigate.
For security executives who struggle to see when and how often designated areas are being patrolled,
SafeZone provides live data feeds so you can monitor and modify patrol patterns in real-time.
Management can view historical patrol patterns vs incidents and adjust patrol patterns for optimal coverage to fulfill an organisation’s duty of care.
SafeZone provides the ability to playback any incident to reveal the location and availability of resources at each moment; helpful for compliance and to enhance future performance.
If you want a demonstration of how CriticalArc’s SafeZone solutions can help your organisation meet security and safety goals, don’t miss SAGE at the Realm Hotel, Canberra, November 17 – pre-register here!
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