Patent for turning biometric data into a token nears approval.
Turning Biometric Data Into A Token – Digital ID services firm Trust Stamp expects to soon receive a patent for a method of securely turning biometric data into an irreversible token.
The United States patent office issued a notice of allowance to Trust Stamp which confirms a patent will be assigned to an innovation allowing manufacturing and marketing activities to begin while final patent processes are undertaken.
This 14th Trust Stamp patent covers a way for irreversibly turning personal data into an identity token that also can’t be reversed. The patented process eliminates the need to store biometric templates, instead delivering a transformed ID token generated by a neural network.
Gareth Genner, CEO of Trust Stamp, says another 19 patent applications from the company are moving through the process. You can read more about Trust Stamp here and see more SEN news here.
“Patent for turning biometric data into a token nears approval.”